欢迎加入全球领先飞机起落架系统及刹车系统制造公司 Welcome to join global leading Landing and Braking Systems Company. 赛峰集团简介: Brief Introduction of Safran Group 赛峰集团是法国高科技跨国集团公司,集团涉及四大专业:航空航天推进、通讯、航空航天设备、防务与安全。旗下许多全资或合资知名品牌的子公司,在所经营的各个领域都处于世界或欧洲的领先地位。赛峰集团在世界60多个国家和地区,拥有70000名员工从事着各领域产品的设计、开发和制造工作。 Safran Group is a French high-tech multinational group, specialized in aerospace propulsion system, communication, aerospace equipment, defense and security. It wholly or jointly owns many famous companies, which are the leaders in their field worldwide or in Europe. Safran Group has 70000 employees in over 60 countries and areas, engaged in product design, development and manufacturing in various fields. 赛峰起落架系统公司隶属赛峰集团,总部位于法国,是世界领先的飞机起落架和刹车系统供应商。 Safran Landing Systems is part of Safran Group, with headquarters in France, is the world leader in aircraft landing and braking systems. 赛峰起落架系统公司为各型飞机提供起落架及刹车系统的设计、生产及支持服务。赛峰起落架系统公司同30家领先的民用、军用飞机、公务机及支线飞机制造商合作,每天有超过25000架飞机采用赛峰起落架系统公司的产品进行40000多次起降。公司业务涵盖从产品的设计、制造到运营支持、修理和大修的整个生命周期。赛峰起落架系统公司有约7000名员工,遍及欧洲、北美和亚洲。2013年,公司投资全部销售额的14%用于研发更轻,更静、更强,更经济的系统。 Safran Landing Systems designs, produces and supports landing and braking systems for all types of aircraft. Safran Landing Systems is a partner to 30 leading commercial, military, business and regional aircraft manufacturers, and supports more than 25,000 aircraft making over 40,000 landings every day. Company capabilities encompass the full life cycle of our products, ranging from design and manufacture to in-service support, repair and overhaul. Safran Landing Systems counts some 7,000 employees in Europe, North America and Asia. In 2013, the company invested 14% of its total sales in R&D to develop systems that are lighter, quieter, more robust and more economical. 赛峰起落架系统(苏州)有限公司是赛峰起落架系统公司的下属公司,2002年成立,前身为梅西埃航空(苏州)有限公司。2017年1月1日,公司由梅西埃航空(苏州)有限公司正式更名为赛峰起落架系统(苏州)有限公司。公司成立后,其工厂作为侧撑杆部装卓越中心,以及中型减震支柱外筒滑动件和复杂零部件制造中心,在中国建立起了工业级地位。苏州工厂是赛峰起落架系统公司的全资子公司,也是赛峰起落架系统公司亚洲供应链的开发和支持中心。 Safran Landing Systems(Suzhou)is part of Safran Landing Systems, established in 2002, former Messier-Bugatti-Dowty(Suzhou). In January 1st , 2017, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty(Suzhou) renamed Safran Landing Systems(Suzhou). It has established an industrial presence in China since 2002 with the opening of the Safran Landing Systems Suzhou plant as center of excellence for side stays sub-assembly, and manufacture center for medium size main fittings sliders and complex parts. A wholly owned subsidiary of Safran Landing Systems' Suzhou plant is also the hub to develop and support Asian Supply Chain. 地址:江苏省苏州工业园区出口加工区B区启明路70号 Address: No. 70 Qiming Road, Export Processing Zone B, Suzhou Industrial Park, 215121, Jiangsu, China 公司在苏州工业园区被评为2013年度,2014年度,2015年度十佳雇主。
欢迎加入全球领先飞机起落架系统及刹车系统制造公司 Welcome to join global leading Landing and Braking Systems Company. 赛峰集团简介: Brief Introduction of Safran Group 赛峰集团是法国高科技跨国集团公司,集团涉及四大专业:航空航天推进、通讯、航空航天设备、防务与安全。旗下许多全资或合资知名品牌的子公司,在所经营的各个领域都处于世界或欧洲的领先地位。赛峰集团在世界60多个国家和地区,拥有70000名员工从事着各领域产品的设计、开发和制造工作。 Safran Group is a French high-tech multinational group, specialized in aerospace propulsion system, communication, aerospace equipment, defense and security. It wholly or jointly owns many famous companies, which are the leaders in their field worldwide or in Europe. Safran Group has 70000 employees in over 60 countries and areas, engaged in product design, development and manufacturing in various fields. 赛峰起落架系统公司隶属赛峰集团,总部位于法国,是世界领先的飞机起落架和刹车系统供应商。 Safran Landing Systems is part of Safran Group, with headquarters in France, is the world leader in aircraft landing and braking systems. 赛峰起落架系统公司为各型飞机提供起落架及刹车系统的设计、生产及支持服务。赛峰起落架系统公司同30家领先的民用、军用飞机、公务机及支线飞机制造商合作,每天有超过25000架飞机采用赛峰起落架系统公司的产品进行40000多次起降。公司业务涵盖从产品的设计、制造到运营支持、修理和大修的整个生命周期。赛峰起落架系统公司有约7000名员工,遍及欧洲、北美和亚洲。2013年,公司投资全部销售额的14%用于研发更轻,更静、更强,更经济的系统。 Safran Landing Systems designs, produces and supports landing and braking systems for all types of aircraft. Safran Landing Systems is a partner to 30 leading commercial, military, business and regional aircraft manufacturers, and supports more than 25,000 aircraft making over 40,000 landings every day. Company capabilities encompass the full life cycle of our products, ranging from design and manufacture to in-service support, repair and overhaul. Safran Landing Systems counts some 7,000 employees in Europe, North America and Asia. In 2013, the company invested 14% of its total sales in R&D to develop systems that are lighter, quieter, more robust and more economical. 赛峰起落架系统(苏州)有限公司是赛峰起落架系统公司的下属公司,2002年成立,前身为梅西埃航空(苏州)有限公司。2017年1月1日,公司由梅西埃航空(苏州)有限公司正式更名为赛峰起落架系统(苏州)有限公司。公司成立后,其工厂作为侧撑杆部装卓越中心,以及中型减震支柱外筒滑动件和复杂零部件制造中心,在中国建立起了工业级地位。苏州工厂是赛峰起落架系统公司的全资子公司,也是赛峰起落架系统公司亚洲供应链的开发和支持中心。 Safran Landing Systems(Suzhou)is part of Safran Landing Systems, established in 2002, former Messier-Bugatti-Dowty(Suzhou). In January 1st , 2017, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty(Suzhou) renamed Safran Landing Systems(Suzhou). It has established an industrial presence in China since 2002 with the opening of the Safran Landing Systems Suzhou plant as center of excellence for side stays sub-assembly, and manufacture center for medium size main fittings sliders and complex parts. A wholly owned subsidiary of Safran Landing Systems' Suzhou plant is also the hub to develop and support Asian Supply Chain. 地址:江苏省苏州工业园区出口加工区B区启明路70号 Address: No. 70 Qiming Road, Export Processing Zone B, Suzhou Industrial Park, 215121, Jiangsu, China 公司在苏州工业园区被评为2013年度,2014年度,2015年度十佳雇主。